Interface MenuLauncher

  • public interface MenuLauncher
    The menu launcher launches MenuLaunchEntry configurations defined in ModDefinition (mod.xml). A MenuLaunchEntry configurations usually sets up the client to activate and display certain modules and generally sets up the ui. There can be configurations overwriting the existing state of the client UI, e.g. for launching game modes, or specific to launch a certain module (e.g. file selection dialog)
    • Method Detail

      • launch

        void launch​(String name)
        Launches a named MenuLaunchEntry configuration
      • boot

        void boot()
        Resets the client and boots the main menu. Can also be used to exit a game mode to main menu.
      • getLastLaunched

        String getLastLaunched()
        Returns the name of the last launched MenuLaunchEntry. Can be useful to identify which entry was selected in main menu.