Interface EntityManager

  • public interface EntityManager
    Entity manager holds, manages and indexes a collection of entities. Methods that find entities by various parameters will always return a view that will not be updated on changes. Usually every composite entity has it's own entity manager.
    • Method Detail

      • create

        AbstractEntity create​(AbstractEntityDef entityDef)
        Create a new entity by a given entity definition. After creating an entity, the usual process is to set additional properties (this is the only case where you are allowed to set the position directly on an entity), then add it to entity manager with #put
      • create

        <T extends AbstractEntity> T create​(Class<T> clazz,
                                            AbstractEntityDef entityDef)
        Create a new entity by a given entity definition, already cast to a certain clazz. Compatibility to the target type is checked, throws an exception if not compatible. After creating an entity, the usual process is to set additional properties, then add it to entity manager with #put
      • put

        void put​(AbstractEntity entity)
        Puts an entity to the entity manager. Entity manager distinguishes between new entities, updated entities (instance already known to entity manager) and updated external entities (instance not known but update by UUID) and handles it accordingly.
      • put

        void put​(Iterable<? extends AbstractEntity> entities,
                 boolean clone)
        Puts a collection of entities at once to the entity manager. This has some performance advantages over calling it for each entity separately. Entity manager distinguishes between new entities, updated entities (instance already known to entity manager) and updated external entities (instance not known but update by UUID) and handles it accordingly.
      • delete

        void delete​(AbstractEntity entity)
        Deletes an entity from this entity manager
      • delete

        void delete​(UUID entityId)
        Deletes an entity from this entity manager
      • deleteAll

        void deleteAll()
        Deletes all entities from this entity manager
      • move

        void move​(AbstractEntity entity,
                  CoordI2 entityPos)
        Moves an entity to a new spatial position entityPos - It is VERY important to always use this method to move entities instead of setting the position property directly, because entity manager indexes entities for faster spatial lookups.
      • copy

        <T extends AbstractEntity> T copy​(T entity,
                                          boolean copyEntityId)
        Copies an entity
      • cleanAll

        void cleanAll()
        Removes dirty flag from all entities, e.g. on server side after changes have been sent to the clients
      • resetAll

        void resetAll()
        Resets all entities, setting default values on all properties
      • dirty

        void dirty​(AbstractEntity entity)
        Sets dirty flag on an entity - it is important to set dirty flag on the server side after every change. Reason is the server only sends out incremental changes each turn to the clients.
      • isEntitiesDirty

        boolean isEntitiesDirty()
      • findBy

        AbstractEntity findBy​(UUID uuid)
        Returns an entity by UUID or null if it is not registered.
      • findByPosition

        List<AbstractEntity> findByPosition​(CoordI2 entityPos)
        Finds all entities at a given position. The lookup is indexed. More resources needed than findByPositionFast but result is not affected by comodification of entities. A shallow copy is returned.
      • findByPositionFast

        Iterator<AbstractEntity> findByPositionFast​(CoordI2 entityPos)
        Finds all entities at a given position. The lookup is indexed. Faster than findByPosition but iterator has fail-fast behavior when entities are comodified. Returned iterator is read-only.
      • findByType

        <T> List<T> findByType​(Class<T> clazz)
        Returns all entities of a certain type (also entities deriving from this type).
      • findByDef

        List<AbstractEntity> findByDef​(String entityDefName)
        Finds entities related to a given name of an entity definition
      • findByDef

        List<AbstractEntity> findByDef​(int entityDefId)
        Finds entities related to a given entity definition index
      • findByDef

        List<AbstractEntity> findByDef​(UUID entityDefUUID)
        Finds entities related to a given entity definition UUID
      • findByCategory

        List<AbstractEntity> findByCategory​(String category)
        Get entity by category. Categories are free to define by entityDef, for builtins see de.extio.spacecraft.shared.model.entity.EntityDefCategoryBuiltinTypes Returns a view (shallow copy).
      • findByCategoryFast

        Iterator<AbstractEntity> findByCategoryFast​(String category)
        Get entity by category. Categories are free to define by entityDef, for builtins see de.extio.spacecraft.shared.model.entity.EntityDefCategoryBuiltinTypes Returns an iterator that is read-only.
      • existsByPosition

        boolean existsByPosition​(CoordI2 entityPos)
        Checks whether any entity exists at a certain position. Faster than #findBy
      • existsByPosition

        boolean existsByPosition​(CoordI2 entityPos,
                                 Predicate<AbstractEntity> filter)
        Checks whether any entity exists at a certain position matching filter. Faster than #findBy
      • executeAtPosition

        void executeAtPosition​(CoordI2 entityPos,
                               Consumer<AbstractEntity> consumer)
        Calls a consumer for any entity that exists at a certain position. Faster than #findBy
      • matchByType

        boolean matchByType​(Predicate<Class<?>> matchBucket,
                            Predicate<AbstractEntity> matchEntity)
        Advanced matching of entities. It first create buckets of entities by type (matchBucket) and then checks relevant buckets for a match (matchEntity). Can be faster than returning a shallow copy of all entities with #findAll and then filtering manually in your code.
      • getSize

        int getSize()
      • setParentCompositeEntity

        void setParentCompositeEntity​(UUID parentCompositeEntity)