Interface RenderingBoHasPositionRelativeToParent

  • All Superinterfaces:
    AutoCloseable, RenderingBo
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    DrawTileCableRenderingBo, DrawTileEffectRenderingBo, DrawTileHighlightRenderingBo, DrawTileImageBo, DrawTilePixmapRenderingBo

    public interface RenderingBoHasPositionRelativeToParent
    extends RenderingBo
    Rendering BOs deriving from this interface indicate that their relative x/y coordinates are relative to a parent at tilesetDestinationPosition (for example "entity pos", which is relative to it's composite entity world position) You can optionally set an alternative parent, for example to allow coordinate translation based on a different parent composite entity than the one of your current entity. This is also needed if you create this BO outside of onClientDrawEntity() call. Rendering business objects implementing this interface are then usually positioned using RenderingBo#withPositionRelative . Relative position is also scalable (scaleTile factor).