Official Spacecraft Tactics Website

Feature Freeze

The game is now feature complete!

In the past months I did a lot of playthroughs of the compaign, taking care that the game feels like I intend. This of course includes balancing and bug fixes, but also testing the game on different PC platforms (from recent high-end AMD and Intel PCs to a 15 years old Windows 7 PC) and doing game optimizations to make sure that the game will run on all of these platforms well. Of course also tested it on different operating systems, including all Windows versions from 7 to 11 and various Linux Distributions of similar ages.

Additional game modes have also been implemented:

  • Arena: Multiplayer PvP and PvE arena, free for all or in teams
  • Battles: Multiplayer PvE battles against ai enemies. Features ship progression between the fights
  • Race: Race mode to chase for highscores or to test your ship controlling skills against your friends

I also finished other items on my list like global highscores and finishing the Mod SDK that will be shipped with the game.

I still have to do more testing and I also need to take care of legal aspects and prepare everything that is needed for publishing.

It will still take some time until the game can finally be released, but it will be definitely this year!


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